诚实. 尊重. 责任. 善良. 圣. 卢克的荣誉守则在我们的校园车道上排列着,并装饰着学校入口处“善良广场”的四个支柱, sending a clear mess年龄: this is a school at which everyone is welcomed and respected.

St .的欢迎辞. 卢克的权益主管 & 杰奎琳·纳尔逊



因为没有计划的目标只是一个愿望. 卢克的 developed a blueprint to achieve our vision of an inclusive community. 包容性卓越愿景 (VIE)指出 inclusion and belonging are central to institutional and educational excellence and to fostering a learning environment where students and adults develop as well-balanced, 自信的领导者能够在多元化的环境中取得成功, 全球一体化的世界. VIE是一种承诺. 这就是我. 卢克会对我们的价值观负责.

与VIE一致,St. 卢克的 focuses our equity and inclusion work around three pillars: 社区, 课程, 文化. 下面将更详细地描述其中的每一个.


We celebrate the unique and varied contributions each of us makes to this community. Helping students deepen their 理解 and appreciation of differences – in 比赛, 种族, 性别, 能力, 宗教, 性取向, 年龄, socio经济 status – is the primary goal of our equity and inclusion work at St. 卢克的. 这是我们坚定的信念,努力实现这一目标,扩大视野,培养同情和尊重所有(见我们的相关 博客). 这些特质都是伟大领袖的标志 伟大的人类.

丰富的多样性反映在不同的团队中,帮助实现愿景中概述的目标. 请访问 这个页面 或点击下面的方框查看我们的E&我的办公室.
In order to promote our CGLs, which consist of curiosity, open-mindedness, truth & 理解, reflection, integrity, students practice having challenging conversations. 话题从宗教到宗教刻板印象无所不包, 种族和种族主义, 性别代表与媒体, 政党政治和政治纷争, 精神健康和精神疾病的污名, 防止暴力和自残.



多样性, equity, inclusion, belonging all matter within our community at St. 因为给每个人一个平等的机会,确保他们在社区中得到和其他人一样的待遇是很重要的."


多样性 improves cognitive skills and deepens critical thinking. It promotes creativity and prepares students for effective citizenship. 公平和包容是学生信仰的基础, 信任, 并最终, 在机构内的安全感. 在一个有不同观点的学习环境中, 经历, 信仰是受欢迎的, 学生们能够应对复杂的人类动态, 广泛的视角, 艰难的历史, social dilemmas that expand their thinking and 理解 of the world. 当学生感到安全, they are more willing to take academic risks to participate and achieve at a higher level.

贯穿每一个年级和学科, 教师和学生有很多机会进行自我反思, 接受不同的观点, 准备在一个多元化的社会中茁壮成长.

了解更多: 多样性如何提升课程


DEI的工作是必不可少的St. 卢克的 community members feel safe on the Hilltop and prepare students as well rounded, 理解, 同情人类在圣. 卢克的."


文化 encompasses shared values, traditions, behaviors, beliefs. 创造包容的文化,培养归属感, we support a variety of student and adult affinity and alliance groups, 多元文化空间, community events that encour年龄 the respectful exchange of ideas, 背景, 文化, 经历, perspectives - please see below for examples and for recent contributions from our community.


特色视频:“归属”vs. “拟合”
几位中、高年级的学生分享了他们对“归属感”和“融入”之间区别的看法——一些受访者反映了他们自己在伦敦的经历. bet356亚洲版在线体育网址投注社区.


在圣. 卢克的 we lean into conversations about identity to provide students with the opportunity to develop their moral compass with empathy and respect for others; enhance their leadership capacity; and encour年龄 a sense of 年龄ncy and belonging. 作为教育者, 我们采用适合发展的做法,并考虑到孩子的背景知识和生活经验. 我们明白,社会和教育的成功依赖于发展积极的自我意识和指导,包括社会情感学习. 我们的目标是准备圣. 卢克的毕业生在高度多样化和全球化的工作环境中茁壮成长,在这种环境中,对如何与不同团队互动和领导不同团队的复杂理解对他们的成功至关重要.

以下常见问题解答旨在解决常见问题,并为更多的对话打开大门. 如果您有任何问题或想了解更多信息,我们鼓励您在全年内与我们的公平与包容主任联系,因为我们支持我们的社区开展这项重要工作.

关键术语 & 定义



  • 单击展开

    1. 性别 是态度, 感情, behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex. (美国心理学协会) 性别 is often assigned based on sexual and reproductive anatomy. 
    2. 性别认同 refers to one’s sense of oneself as male, female, or something else. When one’s 性别 identity and biological sex are not congruent, 个体可以沿着跨性别谱进行识别. (美国心理学协会)
    3. 变性人 是一个包含性别认同差异的总称,其中一个人的生理性别与他们的性别认同不匹配. (美国心理学协会根据美国心理协会的说法, “80% of trans性别 adults report knowing they were ‘different’ as early as elementary school.”
    4. 偏见 指表现出偏见的行为或语言(不是基于理性或实际经验的先入为主的意见),与另一个人或群体相比,支持或反对另一个人或群体.
    5. 偏执 指顽固的或不合理的行为或评论,诋毁或冒犯他人, 偏见的(全部或部分地)由对另一个人持有的关于公民身份的有偏见的信念或意见所驱动的, 残疾, 民族起源, 性别, 国籍, 比赛, 宗教, 性取向, 或者社会经济地位.
    6. “BIPOC” is an acronym to describe “Black, Indigenous, People of Color” as a collective.
    7. “色盲” is the belief that everyone should be treated “equally” without respect to societal, 经济, 历史, 种族或其他差异. No differences are seen or acknowledged; everyone's the same.
    8. 文化 描述了一组共享的实践和信念,例如.e. the things we do/don’t, the ways we do/don’t do them, the reasons why.)
    9. 歧视 指一个机构或个人基于社会身份(如性别)拒绝他人进入或获得机会的行为, 宗教, 或种族认同). Outcomes of such 行动, rather than intent, are the basis for use of the term.
    10. 多样性 描述不同类型的人(e)的代表.g. 不同的种族, 种族, 文化背景, 年龄, 能力, 宗教信仰, 世界观, 社会经济地位等.)在一个团体或组织中.
    11. 占主导地位的集团/文化 refers to those within a society that have the greatest power, privileges, social status. 它可能是也可能不是人口的大多数. 在美国,历史上占主导地位的群体一直是白人、基督徒、富裕的男性. A dominant group achieves its position by controlling 经济 and political institutions, 通讯/媒体, 教育和卫生机构, 艺术, 和业务. 主导文化 is the way of life defined by the dominant group as “normal” and right.
    12. 种族 refers to the identification of group members based on a common herit年龄, 通常来源于他们祖先居住的地方.
    13. 黑色素 refers to the pigment that gives people different skin, eye, hair colors.
    14. 有色人种(PoC) 是一个术语,用来统称那些在美国历史上和现在都是种族主义目标的群体-例如, 非洲 & Caribbean Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Latino Americans, Indigenous & 印第安人和中东人 & 阿拉伯裔美国人. This term is not intended to deny the significant differences within this group.
    15. 偏见 是先入为主的判断吗, 的态度, 的意见, 或者在没有足够信息的情况下形成的感觉, 先验知识, 认为, 或理由. 偏见 can be pre-judgment for or against any person or group.
    16. 比赛 这个术语是用来描述基于身体特征(如肤色)将人们分组的社会结构吗, 发质等. The scientific consensus is there is no biological basis for such classification. 从历史上看, 种族被用来建立人类的优劣等级,并成为法律歧视的理由, 殖民, 奴役, 以及系统性压迫. 
    17. 种族身份 describes how one self-identifies or is classified by other people and by social institutions. In addition, it includes how one comes to understand and feel about one’s racial group membership. 种族认同的发展是个人的终身过程,在这个过程中,个体逐渐理解和内化关于本种族群体的各种信息,并建立基于个人的自我意识, 文化, 人际关系, 以及机构间的互动.
    18. 种族文化 refers to a 历史 and sociological 理解 of how 比赛 has been constructed and used to shape the world in which we live; the development of skills that enable us to function in an increasingly diverse society and constructively converse about 比赛.
    19. 种族歧视 描述不能或拒绝承认权利, 需要, 尊严, 或特定种族或地理出身的人的价值. 更广泛的, 贬低某一民族“典型的”性格或智力的各种特征(牛津参考); 的态度s, 行动, 或者一个机构的实践, backed by societal power that creates a “system of advant年龄 and disadvant年龄 based on 比赛.(大卫·威尔曼) 
    20. 结构性的不平等 is the systemic disadvant年龄(s) of one social group compared to other groups, (有意识或无意识的)歧视行为根深蒂固,并通过制度得到强化, 意识形态, 表示, 政策/法律, 和实践. 当这种不平等与种族/民族歧视有关时,我们将其称为系统性或结构性种族主义.


We always prefer an in-person chat, but please reach out to us by 电子邮件 (deib@stlukesct.Org),我们会保持联系.
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 卢克的 Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.